[Google Scholar profile] [Semantic Scholar] [DBLP]
- Xihan Li, Xing Li, Lei Chen, Xing Zhang, Mingxuan Yuan and Jun Wang. “Circuit Transformer: A Transformer That Preserves Logical Equivalence” In the 13th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2025). [PDF] [GitHub] [Demo]
- Xihan Li, Xing Li, Lei Chen, Xing Zhang, Mingxuan Yuan and Jun Wang. “Logic Synthesis with Generative Deep Neural Networks.” In Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Logic & Synthesis. (IWLS 2024) [PDF] [Poster] [Slide]
- Xihan Li, Xiang Chen, Rasul Tutunov, Haitham Bou Ammar, Lei Wang, Jun Wang. “Online PCA in Converging Self-consistent Field Equations”. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36: 48138-49. (NeurIPS 2023) [PDF] [Appendix] [Poster] [Slide]
- Xihan Li, Xiongwei Han, Zhishuo Zhou, Mingxuan Yuan, Jia Zeng, Jun Wang. “Grassland: A Rapid Algebraic Modeling System for Million-variable Optimization”. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, 3925–34. (CIKM 2021) [PDF (with appendix)] [ACM DL] [Slide] [Poster] [Video]
- From 2021, Grassland has been supporting Huawei’s large-scale production planning simulation and supply-demand analysis.
- Grassland is the modeling system (and frontend API) of Huawei’s OptVerse optimizer. [Application]
- Media Post on Synced (机器之心): [link]
- Qianwen Zhu, Xihan Li, Zihan Zhang, Zhixing Luo, Xialiang Tong, Mingxuan Yuan, Jia Zeng. “Learning to Pack: A Data-Driven Tree Search Algorithm for Large-Scale 3D Bin Packing Problem”. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, 4393–4402. (CIKM 2021) [ACM DL]
- Xihan Li, Jia Zhang, Jiang Bian, Yunhai Tong and Tie-Yan Liu. “A Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework for Resource Balancing in Complex Logistics Network”. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 980–988. (AAMAS 2019) [PDF (with appendix)] [ACM DL] [Slide] [Poster] [Demo] [Media Post] [MARO]
- Meng Zou, Xihan Li, Haokun Liu, and Zhihong Deng. “MEMD: A Diversity-Promoting Learning Framework for Short-Text Conversation.”. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 1281–1291. (COLING 2018) [PDF]
- Jiasheng Wang, Ke Ding, Yujie Chen, Lifeng Zhang, Zukai Liu, Angli Xue, Wenjia Gu, Xiaoyue Yang, Xihan Li, Jin Huang, Congcong Xing, Yunlong Cao, and Ming Chen. “Detection of thrombin with an aptamer-based macromolecule biosensor using bacterial ghost system.” ACS synthetic biology 3.12 (2014): 963-965. [PDF]
- Xihan Li. “Resource Balancing in Complex Logistics Networks with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Graph Attention”. Master Degree Thesis, Peking University. [pdf]
- Xihan Li, Huan Li and Jinpeng Zhu. A Concise Handbook of TensorFlow 2 (简明的TensorFlow 2). Posts & Telecom Press, 2020. [introduction] [Online Version] [WeChat Posts]
- Printed Simplified Chinese version (ISBN: 9787115546685) available on [JD] [Dangdang] [TMall] [iTuring]. Library: [NLC] [CALIS] [Shanghai Library] [PKU] [ZJU]
- Printed Traditional Chinese version (ISBN: 9789865501945) available on [] [eslite] [KingStone] [Tenlong] []. Library: [NBINet] [NTHU] [NPTU]
![]() Simplified Chinese version |
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- Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
- Reviewer, International Conference on Learning Representations
- Reviewer, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control